Have you ever thinking of your childhood memories whenever you u sit alone, having a break while drinking a cup of tea and smoking... haha that is a really nice time for daydreaming… I miss my childhood moments so much… I miss going to school, have a new pair of shoes, school’s uniform and bag every year. Wake up early in the morning and take a bath and then your body freezing like hell…haha… going to school with bunch of friends everyday by bus. Saying “bangunnnn~ assalamualaikum cikguu~” whenever a teacher comes in the class…
The part I miss the most when playing “Police and tree” during recess time… played until bell rings and your school uniform full of sweat and dirt…haha…the funny thing is the song “police and tree want to jaga, police mati pencuri jaga”…ahahaha it makes me LOL’ed hardly…I’m so gonna respect to who ever made this song… how can they combined Malay and English like that and play by many generation…I don’t know about kids these days….they still play nowadays?
Then, after school we played sorok-sorok, baling selipar, rouders, konda – kondi, bola cap and many kinda stuff… so funny when thinking about it… play all the games with cheat and lies… haha…
But now…..
Where are all these friends?
Friends who taught me how to cycle…
Friends who laughed together…
Friends who being punished together…
Friends who fought, cried and got back after 10 minutes…
I hope they still have all of these memories since we were 7th I guess?